Monday, March 7, 2011

Say Cheeseee...U are in Caption!!

Latest from Canon- The IXUS1000 HS

With revolutionary HS System on board, the CANON IXUS 1000 HS makes shooting in low light incredibly easy,clear and not disappointed you! You can use it to capture any moment that you like, and share it with your love ones! Use it wisely and as a PR person, you may want to use it to tell it as a story, because one picture will tell thousand stories on it. Please be careful guys....

Quick Info...on Ethics..

What is ethics?
As a PR person, we must know what is the real means on 'ethic'...yeahh...i'm sure as a PR person one can't neglect this word as this is the judgment between good or bad, between right or wrong, responsible or irresponsible. Ethic very important as with good ethnic we can decide the correct way to do things in our life. However, with the bad ethic, maybe a lawsuit with come after us and damaging our reputation.. So, people...all the best and good luck!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

New iPad this March???

Hi guys!! From the, Apple is expected to launch its new iPad on March 2,wahh...that's great news for PR person, you can use this latest technology in your daily job, to get interaction between your clients, managers and even your family and friends. Online FB, twitter or even normal sms will do, right?...enjoyyyss...

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Media Roles and Responsilities

Hello everybody,
Now i just wanna write something on media roles and responsibilities. As PR person again, apart of being ethical, we must know our roles and responsibilities towards public and  the media itself. Among the roles are:
                 > leadership tester
                 > suppliers of political feedback
                 > power distributors
                 > moral guardians
                 > surveyors of information 
Not only that, actually there are plenty, and i just can list a few here..ohh...time constraints and the space...if i were to put more, it would be messy right? hehehe... 

Their roles also become increasingly important with the complex psychological warfare and mounting global tensions raging everywhere in the world.

Not to forget: The diversity of culture, race, language and ethnic groups is most distinctively portrayed in the mass media. Emm...remember 1Malaysia slogan? it's all about being as One nation....

Starter For The Day

“When the press is free it may be good and bad – but certainly without
freedom it can never be anything but bad…For the press, as for man,
freedom is the opportunity to become better; servitude is the certainty of
Albert Camus
becoming worse.” Albert Camus, French writer and journalist